#Issue #13 - Fintechs de Latam en aceleración! 🏎️

#Issue #13 - Fintechs de Latam en aceleración! 🏎️
Por Latam Fintech Hub • Publicación #13 • Visualizar online

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500 Startups welcomes 4 Fintech companies from Latam to their Batch 12 acceleration program
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🇨🇴 Sempli emitirá la primera tarjeta de crédito virtual para pymes de una Fintech en Colombia
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🇧🇷 Wealthtech companies go through good growth and investment season in Brazil
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🇲🇽 Mexican Insurtech ARCA closes US$1.2M seed round with Magma, LEAP, and Peña Verde
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🇨🇷 Central American & Caribbean neobank seeks to raise $250M for Series A Mega Round
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Cambios regulatorios
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Creado con Revue por Latam Fintech Hub.
Hecho con 💪 en Bogotá, Colombia